Birthday ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Just a swingin'

The boys sure do love to swing! Our friend Karen told us about a nice playground at a church here in Christiansburg so we took advantage of gorgeous March weather and went there with her and her daughter on Tuesday.

Another twin mom suggested swinging the boys back to back (these swings have leg holes on both sides). The boys loved it! Here, Garrett relaxed and leaned back on Walker and for a minute I thought he might fall asleep. Sweet!

Garrett The boys swinging with Megan


Baby buddies

Last weekend, we were invited to a birthday playdate for the boys' buddy and our back door neighbor, Kellen who turned 1 this past week. We had such a great time watching all of the kiddos play together and enjoyed the baby buffet of goldfish, cheese cubes, and Cheerios. Perfect!

The sweet birthday boy

Kellen loved giving Garrett kisses!

Walker, Grayson, Kellen and Garrett playing at the table
A large chunk of the future Christiansburg sporting teams!

Sweet Quinn was one of only two little girls but she wasn't complaining! Garrett couldn't figure out what she had on her head and kept trying to steal her bow :)

My fav pic from the day, lots of sweet little angels playing together
(couldn't get this pic to rotate, but you get the effect either way)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Basement update

Slowly but surely...we finally got one room (mostly) done in the basement! The exercise room is setup and we have been putting it to good use. Here are a few pics of the weights, treadmill, and tv...all we need to get a good workout!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Brotherly Love

Watching the boys play together is my favorite thing. Sometimes they really love each other, sometimes not so much. Guess that's the way it is with brothers! Either way, they are super sweet. Here are some pics of them playing together.

Love our new fridge farm!
Sweet smiley boys

Ha ha ha

Garrett was still asleep when we came in, so he stayed in his car seat. He woke up to Walker rocking him. They both thought this was pretty funny! I have a video I need to post of this as well.
Ooops! They love to climb around in the clothes basket but Garrett fell over. Good thing Walker was there to break his fall!
Excuse me, I didn't see you there!

Love you, brother!!
Come back here, Walker!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cutie pies

Just a few cute pics of our sweet little guys...


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We had a great first St. Patrick's Day! It was a beautiful day, and I was off work since I worked on Tuesday. So, we got to spend an amazing day together! The weather was great, I hope it stays warm since spring is officially here. The boys got all dressed up in green and we met our awesome babysitter, Caroline, at Red Lobster for a birthday lunch (it was a popular day for birthdays...Happy Birthday to Grandma Brenda and Uncle Charlie as well!). Then, we put on their new shades and went for a stroll. When Daddy got home, we grilled out and the boys ate their dinner outside. It was great to see all of our neighbors out and about as well. Hurry up, summer!!
Our little leprechauns

Lunch at Red Lobster

Cool dudes out for a stroll
Daddy feeding the boys dinner on the deck
And this is what it looks like when Daddy feeds the boys!
Bouncing on the deck
"Hey, Dad, I like your shades! Can I have them?"

10 months old!

Wow...our sweet baby boys are 10 months old! It is so amazing to me how much they have changed and how much they have learned in less than a year. They are both now crawling EVERYWHERE and standing up using anything they can get a hold of. They are expanding their menu of finger foods and love cheese (Colby Jack is a fav), Cheerios, peas, carrots, califlower, broccoli, green beans, blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, etc. They are talking more and more each day, and "da da" and "bye bye" are current favs (still working on Garrett saying "ma ma", and trying to get Walker to say it more!). They just get more and more fun every day and we are loving it!


Walker (being serious...and seriously wiggly!)

It is getting harder and harder to get a good pic of both of them together!

G's new fav toy--diapers! (clean, of course)

Sweet Walker

And some silly pics...

"Hey, brother!"

Garrett: "I'm 10 months old??"
"Hey, Walker! You're 10 months old too!! Crazy!""Uhhhhh...."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Garrett, the puppy

This is one of the cutest things I've seen in a while! Last night, we were playing after dinner, and Lexie got fired up and wanted to play. After she started barking, so did Garrett! Then he climbed in her bed. Yep, I think he wants to be a puppy. Conveniently, Lexie wants to be a baby so maybe they can trade places for a few days. Ha!

And, while I'm on the subject of Lexie and funny baby videos, here is a classic that never got posted. Jim used to "fly" the babies around like Superman. One night, Lexie was feeling very protective of Walker and tried to get Jim to put him down. Hilarious!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Funny brothers

Sometimes, Garrett and Walker really like to laugh at each other. Here is a little video clip of them face-to-face. So cute! It also shows off their standing/pulling up skills. These laughs make up for all of the hair pulling, crawling on each other, crying as a result of stolen pacis and toys, etc. Gotta love the sibling rivalry!