Birthday ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 29, 2010

6 months old!

The boys had their 6 month appt Tuesday (a little late) and everything looked great. Garrett weighed in at 16 lbs 12 oz (25th percentile) and 27 1/4 inches (70th) and Walker was 17 lbs 5 oz (30th) and 27 1/2 in (75th). I was also surprised that they both have really small head circumferences! Garrett was only in the 12th percentile and Walker was about 20th. Guess all of that brain power is concentrated :) They got 4 shots each yesterday (including the flu shot) and did really well. I think the dose of Tylenol I gave beforehand made a world of difference! On a side note, we saw a new doctor yesterday and she has a fraternal twin sister! And our nurse has triplet boys. So we definitely had a great perspective on multiples :)

Some new things our little men are doing: Walker loves clapping his hands, Garrett waves bye-bye, Walker is getting up on his knees in crawling position, Garrett squeals really loudly when he is excited, Walker gives "kisses" on my cheek, both are playing with their feet, laughing, and "talking" to each other all of the time. I'm sure there's lots more things that I'm forgetting!
Here are some of their 6 month pics...



And a few bloopers...

Not really a blooper...but the sweetest pic of our Walker! Love how he rubs his little eyes when he gets tired :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Just shy of their 6 month birthday, the boys started baby food. Their first food was carrots. I am attempting to make all of their food. So far, so good! They have enjoyed carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, squash, and bananas so far. They have liked everything, especially Garrett. He eats really well with a spoon and gobbles down every bite I feed him. At this rate, he will be as big as his "little" brother in no time!

Carrots ready to freeze
"Come here, Daddy, and give me a kiss!"


Yes, this is really late but I will attempt to catch up...slowly but surely! Here are some pics from Halloween. It was fun, but uneventful :) We carved a pumpkin the weekend before Halloween, which was Jim's first pumpkin carving experience since he was a kid. He did a great job, with the help of his two little assistants! They both really liked sticking their hand down inside the pumpkin to feel all of the goo.

Garrett diving in

Walker checking it out

Jim hard at work

The boys with their pumpkin!

For Halloween night, we dressed the boys up to hand out candy at home. They were little lions this year. We had about 40-45 tricker treaters and turned out the light early when it was time for the little lions to go to sleep.

Even the Kings of the Jungle need their rest! The boys with Hannah and Mia. So cute!
Garrett helped me hand out candy...and stuck his hand into the bowl. Kit Kats were his pick. Maybe next year, cutie!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Christmas Cards already?

I can't even believe it's time to start thinking about Christmas cards, but since it is, thanks to Brooke for so kindly making me aware of a special promotion from Shutterfly that helps you use your blog to get some free cards! So, here I go shamelessly plugging the site for free Christmas cards since less money spent on cards = more money that can be spent on diapers :)

Shutterfly has always been my favorite photo site. For those of you who have received photo books, mugs, etc from me, this is where they came from! And they have some awesome new Christmas card designs. The hardest part is picking my fav. LOVE the flat stationary cards ( They have a variety of designs that allow you to use as few or as many pictures as you want, which means it's time to sort through the family pics that we had taken in October (which I've been intentionally withholding in anticipation of using them for Christmas cards and gifts) to see what we want to use.

And, now that we have two little ones, I'm sure we will be checking out their selection of new desk calendars (, photo mugs (, and other gifts for the grandparents :) Okay...I will stop now before I give too much away! But check out their site, they really do have some neat stuff :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

5 months old!

Wow, time really does fly when you're having fun! We have enjoyed over 5 months now with our sweet little men. They just get more and more amazing every day! Some things they are doing now at 5 1/2 months: rolling over, Walker is sleeping on his belly and laying on his belly all the time and he is starting to get his knees under him (Lord help us when he starts crawling!), they both really love the bathtub-Garrett holds on to the sides of the tub and kicks like crazy and cries sometimes when I get him out while Walker leans forward and splashes with hands and plays with his toes, "talking" or babbling, holding each other's hands, putting their pacifers back in their mouths, eating cereal with a spoon, holding their own bottle occasionally (and for short periods of time), and lots of other amazing stuff that I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention. It is such a joy to watch them develop and learn!
Better late than never, here are some of their 5 month pics from a couple of weeks ago.

Serious faces

LOVE sweet Garrett's smile
Our adorable Walker
Trying out a different angle
Walker, our big boy!
And, the moment you've been waiting for--Bloopers! Somehow I feel like I have more bloopers in the photo session than good pictures. Oh well, they will be really fun to look back on one day!
Garrett: "You're not going to want to change this diaper!"

"Walker, hold still, I think you have something in your ear!"
Partners in crime
Mischievous man
"Seriously? More pictures? I think time's up!"