Birthday ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Big boy bed

Last week, we moved the boys upstairs to sleep in their big boy crib. They have done great! Of course, they are still sleeping in the same crib. We can't bear to separate them! And we have been sleeping upstairs with them as well. Here is a pic of them after a night in their crib:

And a not-so-great pic of the stars on their ceiling that are projected by their cool turtle:
And since the turtle goes off after a certain period of time, we also have to turn on their cool projector, which shows sea creatures, jungle animals, or cows and lambs, since Walker seems to be afraid of the dark. He has fussed when the turtle turned off on the nights that we only left it on! Here are the fishies swimming across the ceiling...
Maybe soon, we can move back to our big bed and rely on the video monitor to keep an eye on the boys. I miss our bed!!

Little flirt

I think we're in trouble! These little guys are learning to flirt with the ladies at a young age...and they like older girls :) Here's Garrett working his charm with Hannah...
And Mia as well...
Another funny story from Hannah and Mia's visit a couple of weeks ago:

Ashely: "Mia, do you know what that baby's name is?"
Mia: "No..."
Ashley: "That's Walker."
Mia: "But he can't walk!"

True, true....

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Brooke's Baby Shower

Last Saturday, I co-hosted a couple's baby shower/barbeque for our good friends Brooke & Mike. We had a great time celebrating their little girl, who we will get to meet around Sept. 29th. Here are some pics from the weekend.


Dessert table, with cool watermelon bowl by Gabe

Stroller & onesie cookies I made to celebrate Baby Jackson The mommy and daddy-to-be
I don't know why I didn't get her belly in this pic but she looks awesome!
Me, our friend Katie who made the trip from Atlanta to celebrate with us, the gorgeous momma-to-be, and happy couple Ashley & Kristian

We had such a great time! Can't wait to meet their sweet little girl!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


The boys are napping...and I'm finally getting caught up on blog posts! Here are some random cute pics from the past few weeks.

We LOVE napping with our Hokie blanket
Daddy in his cool hat with Garrett
Playing footsie
Walker's sweet smile
LOVE that smile!!
Garrett with his little lamb
Garrett and Lexie are bonding
Garrett's cute smile
Daddy is slow getting Walker's onesie off...but he doesn't seem to mind!

A visit from Auntie Jessica

From July 9-14, we enjoyed a visit from Auntie Jessica. The boys hadn't seen her since they were a couple of weeks old so they missed her! And she was amazed at how much they had grown and changed. We had such a fun visit and missed her terribly when she left :( Too bad Florida is so far away!

Nana and Papaw came up for dinner on Friday night

Auntie Jessica with Garrett...she seems to have the magic touch!

Me & My Sis

Us with the boys

My dress after Walker's diaper leaked. I think I'll start a new trend :)

Napping with Walker

Napping with Garrett (are we seeing a trend?)

On Tuesday, we went to Roanoke to meet Jessica's friend Kristen along with her girls, Gabriella and Emma. Here's Jessica, Kristen, and Emma.
Her daughter Gabriella loved the boys and was a big helper. Here's her feeding Walker his bottle.
Come back soon, Auntie Jessica!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Two Month Pics

So...the boys turned two months old last week and I again took their pics with their monthly stickers. I had the assistance of Jim and Jessica this time, but the boys were a little less cooperative. Although they both showed us their beautiful smiles all day, we weren't able to capture them on camera. But we did manage to get a few good pics, and here they are...

With Mommy & Daddy

Daddy and his boys

Auntie Jessica and the little men

And everyone's favorite, the BLOOPERS! I don't know why my camera was making Garrett look like he was moving at super speed...
Walker has had enough!
"Can someone feed me already?!?"
"Dad, can you make them wrap this up?"

Another month older...and we love them more each day! We are so blessed :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

2 months old!

Garrett and Walker turned two months old this past Tuesday. I can't believe it's already been that long! They are growing and changing each day. They are starting to smile a lot, which just melts our hearts. We went to the dr on Friday for their two month check-up. Garrett now weighs 10 lbs, 7 oz and is 22 1/2 inches long. Walker is slightly bigger than his brother, weighing 10 lbs, 14 oz and is 23 1/4 inches long. They both went from the 10th percentile for weight to the 25th! The dr said they should catch up with singletons on the growth charts by 6-9 months.

The downside of the dr appt was shots. They each had to take three shots plus an oral vaccination. Daddy had to be the bad guy and hold down their arms while the nurse gave them their shots in the thigh. As expected, they both cried very loudly, which broke our hearts. But it was over pretty quickly and they were asleep by the time we left the office. They rested a lot on Friday and had a slight fever Friday night. After their first ever dose of Tylenol, they were back to normal by late Friday. We go back to the dr at 4 months and hopefully not before!

Friday, July 9, 2010


One of my favorite things to do is to put the boys side by side and watch how they respond to each other. Here is a collection of my favorite pics of them together.

Garrett thinks Walker's foot is yummy :)

Walker is so hungry that he'll even try to eat Garrett's head
Two of a kind

The onesies say it all