Birthday ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


The boys continue to grow each day, and they are constantly discovering new things! They have really started to squirm around a lot more, which makes it impossible to just lay them down. So, we have had to get creative to come up with more entertainment options. We have the typical swing, boppy chair, bouncer....

...together time and tummy time on the floor....

...and the latest additions of the Exersaucer and bouncer that our friend Gordon let us borrow. Thanks, Gordon! We love the new toys!!

Garrett's new wig

Garrett recently decided to try a new hairstyle. What do you think?

And after...

Okay, okay...his new hair was actually just borrowed from Lexie's tail! She laid beside him on the couch and put her tail on his head and we thought it was hilarious so we grabbed the camera. Yes, we are easiy entertained!

First Tailgate

Two weekends ago, we took the boys over to campus for their first Virginia Tech tailgate! The Hokies took on East Carolina and secured their first win of the season. We like to think the boys brought them luck :) We had a blast! Thanks, Cathy and Gabe, for being great hosts!

Chillin' in the stroller
One day, we'll grow into our hats and our bibs!
Holly has the magic touch with WalkerHokie FamilyWorn out!
Cathy and Gordon, who apparently wanted the camera :)
The Staum Family
Kristian, Ashley, Hannah & Mia

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Garrett has learned to play peek-a-boo! He had lots of fun playing with Nana and I was able to capture it on video :)

A barrel of laughs

Oh my goodness, this video of Walker just melts my heart!! He was playing with Nana and laughing out loud! His smile and laugh are just the cutest! :) And amazingly, I captured it on our new video camera. Usually they freeze when they see the camera or video camera but I was able to stay out of his direct line of sight and capture these precious memories.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nana Time

Daddy has been gone to Charlotte for training since Sunday evening and he will be back Wednesday evening. This is his first overnight trip since the boys were born and we have sure missed him! I know he has missed the boys a lot too. Nana came up on Tuesday and spent the day and night with us to keep us company and help out. The boys enjoyed their time with her!

Walker was all long as he didn't see the camera :)

Smiley boyEnjoying the new jogging stroller Nana went on a stroll with us (and Lexie) around the neighborhood
Thanks, Nana!!

Stroller Fitness

On Tuesday, we started our Stroller Fitness class at the rec center. Daddy put together our new jogging stroller (a generous shower gift from his co-worker Diane) this weekend and we tested it out on Sunday evening in anticipation of our class. They love it! So, we loaded up the stroller (which doesn't exactly fit in my trunk, but a bungie cord did the trick since it's just a mile trip) and ventured out to the rec center this morning for our class, which had five other mommies and their kids. The boys did great! They stayed awake during part of our walking exercises up and down the basketball courts but soon fell asleep. We did light weight training and ab exercises in addition to the walking. For the last part of class, we did work on the mats on the floor and the kids were unleashed from their strollers to join us.

Garrett laid on a mat with me...

While Walker continued to snooze in the stroller.
Me with the boys
(pardon the sweaty appearance and lack of makeup, I was working out after all!)
And yes, I'm probably the only mommy who has ever taken her camera to stroller fitness but I don't really care :) Must. Document. Everything! It was a fun time and a decent workout and we are looking forward to our Tuesday morning adventure for the next few weeks. Oh, and one other cool thing--one of the other ladies had her little boy with her, who is named Garrett and is only 5 days younger than my Garrett!! Crazy!! Maybe they will be buddies :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

4 months old!

Wow, it's been 4 months since Garrett and Walker came into this world and blessed our lives. It has been the best 4 months ever!! I can't even imagine our lives without them. They are growing and changing more and more each day and we are enjoying every minute of our time with them.

Sweet boys


And everyone's favorite...BLOOPERS!

Garrett seems to have discovered that he can stick out his tongue!
"Seriously? Are we done yet?"

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy Grandparent's Day!

Sunday is Grandparent's Day! Although we won't get to see any of the grandparents tomorrow, we are thinking of all of you and love you very much! Thanks for everything that you do for our family.

Jim's new ride (and job!)

Jim got a new job! He starts with Patterson Dental on Monday. He will be a sales rep for their CEREC machine, which is equipment that uses CAD technology to allow dentists to create crowns and other ceramic restorations in office. He will cover the western part of Virginia and is very excited to start this new adventure! We are so proud of him :)

Since the Caravan (aka "Daddy Mobile") belongs to Abbott, we had to buy a new vehicle this week. Jim's vehicle of choice is a 2011 Subaru Outback, a model that he has admired since his days at Shelor when he won the dealership's walk-around competition with a presentation on the Outback. Here is a pic of our family's new ride.

Bumbo Boys

Now that they are big boys and have good head control, we decided to let the guys try out their Bumbo chair that big cousin Mollie gave them. They both enjoy it! It gives them a new perspective on things :)



Garrett likes having a little table for all of his toys!