Birthday ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Blacksburg Baby Shower

Our first baby shower was today in Blacksburg, hosted at Brooke's house. She and her family, along with Heather and Cathy and Gabe, did a great job preparing a wonderful, beautiful spread of food!
Gabe is such a talented chef! He made these watermelon baby strollers and carved a tribute to our boys out of pineapple. It was the hit of the shower!
The desserts were yummy! Brownies, chocolate covered strawberries, and onesie shaped cookies, courtesy of Brooke's wonderful baking skills. The favors were onesie cookies and Doublemint gum, in honor or our double blessing! My King College friend, Heather, did a wonderful job putting together some really fun games in addition to all of her help with everything else. Thanks, Heather!
So glad Mom and Jen could come up for the shower and were able to meet all of my wonderful friends!
Me with my wonderful hostess, Brooke, and her fabulous assitants, Heather and Cathy. Thanks for a great day, girls!
I was so excited that my former SunTrust coworkers could come for my special day! It was so great to see Meg, Rhonda, and Janie. I miss you girls!
Part of the Blacksburg Jr. Women's Club lucky to be part of this group!

We are so blessed to have such a great group of generous friends who gave us so many great gifts for our baby boys!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Beginnings of a Nursery...

Last weekend was quite productive as far as the nursery is concerned! Here are some pics of the guest room before:

And here are pics of the nursery so far! Thanks to Mom and Jen's help, we were able to get the nursery painted, both cribs assembled, bedding selected, and the closets cleaned out this past Saturday. I am so pleased with the way it looks so far!
Wall colors
Crib bedding

Baby Update

We went to the dr on Monday, Feb. 15th for a check-up. Everything looks great! We had a quick ultrasound, which showed that Baby A is turned head down, but Baby B is transverse (laying sideways with his head on my right side and feet in the middle of my belly). They still have plenty of time to move around before it's time for their arrival. Baby A's heartrate was 137 and Baby B's was 142. A quick check of the cervix showed little to no risk of pre-term labor at this point, meaning no bed rest! We were very happy with this news. However, we didn't get any official measurements or any pictures on this visit.

We go back to the doctor every two weeks now, and the next appt on March 1st will be extra fun with a gestational diabetes screening and blood work in addition to the ultrasound. Keep your fingers crossed that I pass the gestational diabetes test...a restricted diet for me would be challenging to say the least!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Basement Progress & Snow

Jim and Kristian, our faithful basement helper, carried the remaining drywall from the garage to the basement...even with all of the snow on the ground! Thanks, Kristian!

Progress on the drywall continues, with Jim finishing the moisture-proof drywall in the bathroom and completing the hallway.

Well, it was another long weekend filled with snow, sleet and ice. It only added to the snow that we already had on the ground. At this rate, we won't see the back yard until Spring! Needless to say, the kitty is not a big fan either!