Birthday ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Garrett's first tooth!

I am happy to say that Garrett now has a tooth! It is on the bottom, and it's poked all the way through the gum. He hasn't been terribly grumpy, but the boys have both been drooling and chewing for months. He was chewing on his arm yesterday and I put my finger in his mouth and was very surprised to find it. So exciting! No pictures, of course. He'll barely let me look at it!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Last Saturday, Walker and Garrett started swimming lessons! They are at the new aquatic center, which is super nice. We were all able to splash around in the warm therapy pool, which was like a big bath tub. The boys loved the pool! They practiced floating on their backs, laying on their belly, blowing bubbles in the water, and "jumping" off the side. There was a lot of splashing going on, too :) There were three other kids in our class, including our neighbors and their little boy, Kellen (he is almost 10 months). We have classes for the next four Saturdays and are really looking forward to it.

Daddy and Garrett

Mommy and Walker
Splashing around with Daddy
Jim and the boys with our neighbors, Terri and Kellen

Thursday, January 13, 2011

8 months old!

Wow, 8 months...where has the time gone? Our little guys are growing so fast and learning new things every day. It is so fun and exciting! Here are some of their 8 month pics.


And a couple of bloopers...

A bathtub built for two

We got a new bathtub, and it's big enough for both of us! Let the splashing wars begin :)


The boys have had a few little playdates recently, but somehow I have forgotten to take pictures on each occasion :( We visited with soon-to-be one year old Max a couple of weeks ago, hosted our neighbor Kellen (almost 10 months) last Friday, and visited Quinn (3.5 months) on Tuesday evening. Thankfully, Brooke was on top of things and took some pictures and kindly sent them to me. Thanks, B! Lots of fun times and more to come with all of our little buddies!

Walker chillin' with his elbow on Quinn while Garrett is way more concerned with Mommy
Notice Quinn has her hand on Walker's knee. I think we're going to have to keep an eye on these two!

Me and Brooke with our sweet babies

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We have gas! Natural gas for the fireplace, that is :)

Finally! After months of waiting on a contractor and Atmos to run and connect the indoor gas lines and dig the outdoor line, we finally have natural gas in our fireplaces!! We are so excited (and toasty)!

Living room


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Our First Christmas (Part 2)

Here are pics from Christmas Day...

Good morning! Is it Christmas yet?

Santa came!

Honeybear is enjoying her new presents, too :)
Can you spot Lexie among all of the toys?

Look! It snowed for our first Christmas!

Lovin' our new tricycle. Thanks, Santa!

All of the excitement wore Garrett out!
What a GREAT Christmas!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tiling Projects

Let's switch gears for a bit. Since most every post is about the boys (and rightfully so!), I thought I'd do a quick post about our remodeling projects. Jim has been so busy on the basement, and we are getting so excited about getting down there! It is going to be so, so nice! He has done GREAT work and we are grateful for all of his time and efforts. The electrical is done, and there is definitely no shortage of lights. The tiling is going well and here's a pic of what's done so far.

Lights in hallway, rec area, and kitchen

Bathroom vanity

Ceiling fans in living room

Tile in kitchen and rec area I know it pales in comparison, but I did a little tiling project of my own over New Years. I put glass mosaic tile around the fireplace and am pleased with the results.

